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Markus Grompe | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cycle Oregon 2023 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cycle Oregon 2023

Allegedly, the 33rd and last Classic Ride....
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Overview of the Route
Overview of the Route
First campsite in Albany
First campsite in Albany
The Stage
The Stage
Dinner... and Beer
Dinner... and Beer
DTW: Cycle Oregon Night Life
DTW: Cycle Oregon Night Life
Great band
Great band
The crabs are dancing
The crabs are dancing
Day 1-Albany-to-Carlton
Day 1-Albany-to-Carlton
Breaking camp at sunrise
Breaking camp at sunrise
The first few miles
The first few miles
Supporting Ukraine
Supporting Ukraine
Totem pole along the road
Totem pole along the road
Pintail Marsh
Pintail Marsh
The Grompe Brothers
The Grompe Brothers
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