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This little fellow came to drink at our dam, unaware I was watching him..
Doing a safety check before drinking.
Doing a safety check before drinking.
Mid air during the hop
Mid air during the hop
Did I hear something over there?
Did I hear something over there?
Approaching cautiously, front feet first.
Approaching cautiously, front feet first.
Now the back legs.
Now the back legs.
So very thirsty, lapping the water like a dog.
So very thirsty, lapping the water like a dog.
What was that?
What was that?
Now to finish drinking.
Now to finish drinking.
I'll hop over and try the water from this side.
I'll hop over and try the water from this side.
Making sure it's quite safe.
Making sure it's quite safe.
It tastes just the same.
It tastes just the same.
What's that?
What's that?
I'll try again.
I'll try again.
Now my paws are muddy.
Now my paws are muddy.
I can hear the dogs barking.
I can hear the dogs barking.
I think they know I'm here.
I think they know I'm here.
It's time to leave.
It's time to leave.
Another quick drink before I leave.  Then he was gone.
Another quick drink before I leave. Then he was gone.