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Ken Chambers ARPS | all galleries >> Photographs of Colchester Events >> half_marathon_2019 > On Course for a Personal Best
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On Course for a Personal Best


FujiFilm X-T1
1/500s f/5.6 at 35.0mm iso400 full exif

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David Buzzeo31-Mar-2019 20:37
It is always great to see people out running. V
Martin Lamoon28-Mar-2019 20:01
A happy bunch!, great candid Ken
Jim's Atavistic Visions27-Mar-2019 23:06
Nice Ken and I think they like you. I discovered last night that my XT-1 has a really dirty sensor when I saw the sky in the cactus image. I have never cleaned it after almost 5 years of shooting with it! And by the way, in the last two days two I have been asked twice what brand of camera it was and wanted to see it. Today we are in the Phoenix area and we did a 90 minute guided tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's western home and the architectural school he founded there(Taliesin West). Everyone marvels at the analog dials and how beautiful it is. Two weeks ago a lady wanted to know what brand it was and wrote it down so she could get one. I have the "silver" version and it looks similar to the X-100's.
Yvonne27-Mar-2019 10:26
Hope they all did well! v