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Ken Chambers ARPS | all galleries >> Photographs of Colchester Events >> Scotland in Colchester 2018 > Swirl of the Kilts
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Swirl of the Kilts


FujiFilm X-T1 ,Fujinon Super EBC XF 35mm 1:2 R WR
1/180s f/11.0 at 35.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ika Zinka Eferl15-Jun-2018 10:56
Great shot of this band. V
Jean Chiasson14-Jun-2018 23:16
Splendid portrait band Ken V
janescottcumming14-Jun-2018 17:40
Great catch! A handsome tartan for this band.
Tom Munson13-Jun-2018 21:11
Love that look. Great shot, Ken.
Yvonne13-Jun-2018 10:23
A great shot... the drummer is really concentrating! v
Fong Lam13-Jun-2018 08:23
Wonderful shot, the colors and clarity...V
MarcViskens12-Jun-2018 20:47
Nice shot Ken