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Ken Chambers ARPS | all galleries >> Artwork, >> People My Gallery of Digital Artwork > IMG_4683AXXA.jpg
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Veteran Cheshire Regiment

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/250s f/6.3 at 35.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dave Ross03-Jun-2014 18:38
Exceptional portrait beautifully captured. V
Ton T.22-Jan-2014 18:01
Great portrait!! V++
Tom LeRoy22-Jan-2014 16:49
Marvelous shot of this veteran, Ken. Sharp and fine background. V
Simon Chandler21-Jan-2014 18:34
Excellent portrait with great lighting and clarity. Nice bokeh. v
Will Hoskins21-Jan-2014 04:07
A great portrait of this distinguished gentleman, Ken. V
joseantonio20-Jan-2014 19:42
Excellent portrait with amazing and sharp details.V
Martin Lamoon20-Jan-2014 19:42
He looks proud. great portrait.
Paul L-R20-Jan-2014 19:35
That's an absolutely superb portrait of this "rightly" proud gentleman. BV