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Glendalough and the valley of the two lakes...

Glendalough is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Wicklow and indeed all of Ireland. It is unsurprising given the stunning landscape, historic ruins and beautiful walks on offer at this unique location.

Glendalough (or Gleann Da Loch, meaning ‘The Glen of the Two Lakes’) is situated in the heart of the Wicklow Mountains National Park, which has over one million visitors every year.

The ancient monastery on the site is a fascinating site, having been founded in the 6th century by St. Kevin. Set in a glaciated valley with two lakes, the monastic remains include a superb round tower, stone churches and decorated crosses. The round tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the area. The site also includes a Celtic high cross, St. Mary’s Church and St. Kevin’s Church. The remains of three stone crosses and a stone fort are also to be found between the upper and lower lakes.