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marko gregoric | all galleries >> BIRDS - PTICE >> Galliformes (Kure) > Lagopus mutus - Belka - Ptarmigan
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Lagopus mutus - Belka - Ptarmigan

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Sam_C25-Sep-2011 09:58
Beautiful shot, cool looking bird! V++ :)
shatterbug25-Sep-2011 06:35
Nice capture...beautiful bird!
Tom Munson25-Sep-2011 05:07
Terrific find and image, Marko!
Jess. ( Lady.D.)24-Sep-2011 21:59
Well done to get this so clear in the busy background, excellent work...
coaster24-Sep-2011 18:15
Beautiful capture!
Milan Vogrin24-Sep-2011 16:54
Nice catch my friend! V!
Jean Chiasson24-Sep-2011 16:06
Great colors and textures marko vote
Ivan Kruys24-Sep-2011 15:50
Excellent capture! V
Randy Adams24-Sep-2011 13:01
Nice composition Marko! V
Jim Coffman24-Sep-2011 12:44
Very nice capture,Marko! V
James Clarke24-Sep-2011 12:25
Great shot. Love how you've shown the bird within it's environment. BV
Guest 24-Sep-2011 11:10
So beautiful, perched and alert on those white-gray rocks with the prettiest green grasses popping up here and there.
RAINBIRDER24-Sep-2011 10:21
Nice capture!!!
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