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Greg Bradley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> greg_bradley_astrophotos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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Rho Nebula LRGB 50 30 30 30 V3.jpg
Rho Nebula LRGB 50 30 30 30 V3.jpg
M104 LRGB 130 80 30 70 V4.jpg
M104 LRGB 130 80 30 70 V4.jpg
Horsehead Ha 170 V2.jpg
Horsehead Ha 170 V2.jpg
Centaurus A LRGB 260 150 130 120 V5.jpg
Centaurus A LRGB 260 150 130 120 V5.jpg
M83 HaLRGB 20 190 70 50 60 redo V23.jpg
M83 HaLRGB 20 190 70 50 60 redo V23.jpg
NGC6188 Nebula
NGC6188 Nebula
M8 and M20 HaLRGB 70 70 60 60 50  5 hours 10 mins
M8 and M20 HaLRGB 70 70 60 60 50 5 hours 10 mins
NGC1097  Honourable Mention David Malin Awards 2010
NGC1097 Honourable Mention David Malin Awards 2010
The Blue Horsehead  Highly Commended Malin Awards 2011
The Blue Horsehead Highly Commended Malin Awards 2011
Rho Ophiuchi Panel 2 HaLRGB 130 60 60 60 70 reprocess
Rho Ophiuchi Panel 2 HaLRGB 130 60 60 60 70 reprocess
Eta Carina HaLRGB 50 30 30 30 30.jpg
Eta Carina HaLRGB 50 30 30 30 30.jpg
NGC 6559 Nebula near the Lagoon Nebula
NGC 6559 Nebula near the Lagoon Nebula
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