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Greet van der Meulen | profile | all galleries >> mammals >> wolf tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


These pictures were taken in the Bavarian Wood during a phtography week organised by Han Bouwmeester
0185 wolf sitting between trees (c)
0185 wolf sitting between trees (c)
9041 wolf (c)
9041 wolf (c)
0094 wolf  (c)
0094 wolf (c)
9170 wolf in falling snow (c)
9170 wolf in falling snow (c)
9293 walking wolf in falling snow (c)
9293 walking wolf in falling snow (c)
0236 wolf lying in the snow (c)
0236 wolf lying in the snow (c)
7416 wolves (c)
7416 wolves (c)
0619 wolves in a row (c)
0619 wolves in a row (c)
7310 wolves (c)
7310 wolves (c)
9183 wolf in falling snow (c)
9183 wolf in falling snow (c)
0191 wolf walking along trees
0191 wolf walking along trees
0290 wolf
0290 wolf
0629 wolf looking behind
0629 wolf looking behind