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Greet van der Meulen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> dipper tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


This beautiful bird is spending some time in the Netherlands in november 2010. Fortunately I happen to be in the neighbourhood.
It's a pleasure to see him vividley catching preys. His plumage is a feast for the eye.
So do a lot of Dutch birdlover think of it as well. :)

In february 2011 the dipper is still present to my great joy! Probably it won't be too long, before it's gone.
6296 dipper
6296 dipper
6221 dipper with prey
6221 dipper with prey
0931 dipper
0931 dipper
0850 dipper
0850 dipper
8676 dipper
8676 dipper
8825 dipper
8825 dipper
6230 dipper with prey
6230 dipper with prey
8385 dipper
8385 dipper
1106 dipper
1106 dipper
0823 dipper
0823 dipper