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Greet van der Meulen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bayerischer Wald tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bayerischer Wald

The Bayerischer Wald is a national park in the east of Germany, near the Czech border.
Within this area there's a wildpark with animals who exist here in nature. The beauty of this park is that photographers have a good oppertunity of making pictures of wildlife in a natural setting.
The animals live in such large places they still show their natural behaviour. Sometimes you can wait for hours without even seeing them.
I was here with two photography friends.
0604 wolf
0604 wolf
0394 lynx (C)
0394 lynx (C)
9954 brown bear (C)
9954 brown bear (C)
0140 brown bear (C)
0140 brown bear (C)
6492 sunset Lusen
6492 sunset Lusen
8916 fly agaric
8916 fly agaric
9808 bear (C)
9808 bear (C)
8449 bristly haircap
8449 bristly haircap
0522 wolf (C)
0522 wolf (C)
0029 brown bear (C)
0029 brown bear (C)
1125 wolf (C)
1125 wolf (C)
0184p lynx (C)
0184p lynx (C)