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Greet van der Meulen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


In Holland autumn has a lot of differences. There are still some summerdays and in the end winter begins, which has it's charm as well.
To me autumn is interesting. With nice potentialities for macro, animals and landscapes.
2N9B0574 toadstool / paddestoel
2N9B0574 toadstool / paddestoel
2N9B3278 berry of May lily in blue
2N9B3278 berry of May lily in blue
2N9B3851 berries and autumn colours
2N9B3851 berries and autumn colours
2N9B3751 autumn leave
2N9B3751 autumn leave
2N9B0923 toadstool / paddestoel
2N9B0923 toadstool / paddestoel
2N9B138 little light / lampje
2N9B138 little light / lampje
2N9B1433 detail of fungus / zwammetje
2N9B1433 detail of fungus / zwammetje
2N9B1419 fungus / zwam
2N9B1419 fungus / zwam
2N9B2553 beech leaves / beukenblad
2N9B2553 beech leaves / beukenblad
2N9B2440 beech leave
2N9B2440 beech leave
2N9B2437 beech leave  autumn / beukenblad herfst
2N9B2437 beech leave autumn / beukenblad herfst
8012 Terschelling
8012 Terschelling
3175 robin in snow
3175 robin in snow
8102 Terschelling dunes at sunrise
8102 Terschelling dunes at sunrise
2617 fox
2617 fox
7169 pollarded willows
7169 pollarded willows
2818 fox
2818 fox
7227 Dutch cows
7227 Dutch cows
6041 beech leave
6041 beech leave
7673 sanderling
7673 sanderling
7108 sunrise Deventer
7108 sunrise Deventer
2513 misty morning Kootwijkerzand
2513 misty morning Kootwijkerzand
2544 white frost
2544 white frost
2483 sunset Oudleusen
2483 sunset Oudleusen
8240 sunset Waddenzee
8240 sunset Waddenzee
1347 amethyst deceiver in beech forest
1347 amethyst deceiver in beech forest
2403 fallow deer
2403 fallow deer
7854 Terschelling groyne
7854 Terschelling groyne
1233 sunset Bayerischer Wald
1233 sunset Bayerischer Wald
7992 Terschelling
7992 Terschelling
6193 hold on tight
6193 hold on tight
7143  misty morning sunrise
7143 misty morning sunrise
6025 upright coral
6025 upright coral
5776 Posbank just after sunrise
5776 Posbank just after sunrise
5921 small toad on a big tree
5921 small toad on a big tree