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GP Merfeld | all galleries >> Artist Bio & Representation >> Clients > Hawaiian Airlines Calendar
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Hawaiian Airlines Calendar

"When One Wants To Dance The Hula,
Bashfulness Should Be Left At Home."

2008 Hawaiian Airlines Calendar featuring my photography.

Widely distributed around the state, free of charge.

Size: 19" X 24"

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 19-Dec-2008 20:32
a bit late but congratulations on this one too.
Greybeard Images16-Feb-2008 23:20
congratulations indeed.
The perfect match: The Islands, a great way to get there and your truly awesome work.
Galina Stepanova14-Feb-2008 21:12
PauloCGama14-Feb-2008 15:45
BRAVO my friend.
you deserve all the best! you are a wonderful human being and a top quality artist!!!
a big and sincere hug.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad12-Feb-2008 14:58
Congrats! Some well deserved recognition for excellent photographic craftsmanship. V
Milos Markovic12-Feb-2008 11:42
Congratulations, G.P.
Wonderful project,
Guest 12-Feb-2008 08:49
Congratulations!! Job well done. v. Lee