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GP Merfeld | all galleries >> Hawai'i: Culture >> *****Gallery***** Cultural Portraits > Uncle George Na'ope
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Uncle George Na'ope

George Lanakilakekiahiali Na'ope (February 25, 1928 – October 26, 2009),
born in Kalihi, Hawai'i, was a celebrated kumu hula, master Hawaiian chanter,
founder of the Merrie Monarch Festival, and leading advocate
and preservationist of native Hawaiian culture worldwide.
He taught hula dancing for over sixty years in Hawai'i, Japan, Guam,
Australia, Germany, England, North America, and South America.

Malama Punalu'u Cultural Festival
Ka'u, Hawa'i

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PauloCGama23-Jan-2014 18:30
Precious expression. Wonderfully done my friend.