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GP Merfeld | all galleries >> Galleries >> Popular Gallery Prints > From The Deep: Into Light
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From The Deep: Into Light

Kapoho, Hawai'i

3rd Place, Miscellanea Photo Of The Month,
March, 2004, Juried Competition, PhotoPoints.

Print Purchase Info

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dafna21-Jun-2014 00:53
Fantastic.. everything about it.. yes- a prizewinner..
irislynx23-Jan-2014 19:01
Fantastic image! Not an easy one to do! Love how it shows the seconday water by his head and chest! V
Yiannis Pavlis26-Oct-2013 21:28
I absolutely love this!
Nick Arena26-Mar-2009 21:36
Magical shot!..beautiful lighting and a wonderful mood..V
larry b 05-Jan-2009 22:26
i love all your photos....this one captured my soul the deepest!
there's something magical about this photo...
so serene yet full of life....
Sue Robertson22-Oct-2008 06:48
I think this image is one of your finest. GP Wish it were mine.. :) v
Sarah Deford 01-Sep-2007 22:18
I have never seen anything like this before. This is captivating. I cannot stop staring at it.
Sofia Roz28-Aug-2007 20:27
This image is hypnotizing. The light and the serene expression on the man’s face is just so beautiful!
Milos Markovic26-Aug-2007 12:49
Fabulous capture!
Big vote
Ken Zaret15-Aug-2007 02:42
this is a beautiful image, i like the soft focus in the light to left. was this in post-processing or was the image taken from the right side and then rotated? whatever, great job, very artistic