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Waikiki, O'ahu, Hawai'i

1st Place, 273rd Show & Tell Competition ("Beauty Is In The Eyes Of the Beholder")

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Bart Aldrich06-Jun-2014 15:16
Reminds me of similar scene along Ala Moana Beach Park. Beautiful but poignant moments. V
Jojie Alcantara08-Apr-2013 04:49
This photo moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations for the recent Show and Tell deserving win.
Richard Cobby19-Sep-2012 05:58
You have created a powerful image full of interest.
Suzanne Mathia11-Feb-2010 21:30
Nice capture - very thought provoking
Brad Claypole10-Feb-2010 01:22
That's a powerful shot. Well captured. BV
Ali Majdfar16-Feb-2009 09:47
So powerful capture, Stunning. ~V
cits_4_pets31-Jan-2009 02:25
Great shot, I thought one of the best in the Past 8 Years contest. Excellent entry! v
Guest 28-Jan-2009 05:37
Great Composition overall, just want to know where is this taken?
monica memoli28-Oct-2008 00:27
Great! v
Wendy 14-Aug-2008 14:54
It is a beautiful picture; sadly homeless people are everywhere, at least he's in a warm and picture perfect place.
Rick Bricker14-Aug-2008 06:11
I really like that this picture makes one think about our humanity.It forces it! Damn well done.
Kapo Villaren 24-Jan-2008 17:08
Beautiful, touching, real , raw and silently but truthfully loud!
Sergio Pessolano19-Jun-2006 10:22
Wonderful image. stunning lighting management. Voted.
Wendy O09-Sep-2005 04:19
What a gorgeous picture, but how sad at the same time. Great capture.
David 20-Jun-2005 17:34
A stunning commentary on the reality of our beautiful island home.
Amie 06-Nov-2004 08:02
great shot! thank you for sharing! many greets from germany
PauloCGama23-Apr-2004 13:26
This is just amazing. Lightning is stunning and "your" tones are just incredible my friend.
Guest 08-Apr-2004 05:04
very great shot love the man siting there with the clouded background. Great comparison click i see this the same way
click26-Jun-2003 15:30
What a story in contrast. Heaven and hell on earth in one picture.