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Flight over Maui, 5.Sep.2003

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September 5, 2003, Kahului: We embarked on a long flight along 3 Hawaiian islands. Our aircraft was rented from Maui Aviators, with whom I flew a few years ago. It was nice to see Jon Muralt again, we felt safe in the hands of his capable team. Since we only flew one time, I did not attempt to make a checkout. Instead, we went with Fletch, one of the instructors at Maui Aviators.

An interesting aspect of the new images from Lahaina is the aerial view of the Moku'ula restoration site ( ). In past times, this location hosted Hales of the Chiefs (Ali'i) of Maui.

16N-34 Jon Muralt of Maui Aviators
16N-34 Jon Muralt of Maui Aviators
16N-30 Hangar Talk
16N-30 Hangar Talk
22N-02 Preflight
22N-02 Preflight
22N-03 Smoke over Kahului Airport from burning cane fields
22N-03 Smoke over Kahului Airport from burning cane fields
22N-06 Takeoff
22N-06 Takeoff
21C-32-Kapalua and shoreline toward Ka`anapali
21C-32-Kapalua and shoreline toward Ka`anapali
21C-34-Honokowai Resorts
21C-34-Honokowai Resorts
21C-35-Ka`anapali Peninsula
21C-35-Ka`anapali Peninsula
23C-01 Sheraton Maui
23C-01 Sheraton Maui
23C-04 Westin Maui
23C-04 Westin Maui
23C-03 Westin Maui
23C-03 Westin Maui
23C-06 Maui Marriott, Ka`anapali
23C-06 Maui Marriott, Ka`anapali
23C-07 Ka`anapali Hyatt Regency
23C-07 Ka`anapali Hyatt Regency
23C-10 Lahaina, nice to see you again!
23C-10 Lahaina, nice to see you again!
23C-09 Other kind of flying
23C-09 Other kind of flying
23C-11 Looks like fun!
23C-11 Looks like fun!
23C-13 Marina of Lahaina
23C-13 Marina of Lahaina
23C-16 Moku'ula Restoration project
23C-16 Moku'ula Restoration project
23C-17 Residential Lahaina
23C-17 Residential Lahaina
23C-20 Lahaina
23C-20 Lahaina
23C-21 Downtown and Marina
23C-21 Downtown and Marina
23C-23 Waterfront
23C-23 Waterfront
23C-25 Waterfront toward Marina
23C-25 Waterfront toward Marina
23C-26 Marina and the 'doomed Carthaginian'
23C-26 Marina and the 'doomed Carthaginian'
23C-28 Pioneer Inn and the Main Pier
23C-28 Pioneer Inn and the Main Pier
23C-24 Cruise Ship with great view of Lahaina
23C-24 Cruise Ship with great view of Lahaina
23C-30 I think it's the Norwegian Star
23C-30 I think it's the "Norwegian Star"
23C-29 Slopes of Pu'u Kukui over Lahaina
23C-29 Slopes of Pu'u Kukui over Lahaina
23C-31 Pu`u Kukui
23C-31 Pu`u Kukui