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Hong Kong

Occupied by the UK in 1841, Hong Kong was formally ceded by China the following year; various adjacent lands were added later in the 19th century. Pursuant to an agreement signed by China and the UK on 19 December 1984, Hong Kong became the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China on 1 July 1997. In this agreement, China promised that, under its "one country, two systems" formula, China's socialist economic system would not be imposed on Hong Kong and that Hong Kong would enjoy a high degree of autonomy in all matters except foreign and defense affairs for the next 50 years. {Courtesy: CIA World Fact book}
Approach to HK Airport from a 747-400 top deck
Approach to HK Airport from a 747-400 top deck
Approach to HK Airport from a 747-400 top deck
Approach to HK Airport from a 747-400 top deck
Approach to HK Airport from a 747-400 top deck
Approach to HK Airport from a 747-400 top deck
Approach to HK Airport from a 747-400 top deck
Approach to HK Airport from a 747-400 top deck
HK Airport Runway
HK Airport Runway
HK Airport Runway
HK Airport Runway
HK Reflections
HK Reflections
The Centre
The Centre
HK Skyline from Tsim Sha Tsui
HK Skyline from Tsim Sha Tsui
Exchange Square
Exchange Square
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
A view from The Peak
A view from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak - The Center
HK Skyline from The Peak - The Center
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
A sign at The Peak
A sign at The Peak
Peak Tram
Peak Tram
Peak Tram
Peak Tram
Peak Tram
Peak Tram
The Peak
The Peak
A view from The Peak
A view from The Peak
A view from The Peak
A view from The Peak
A view from The Peak
A view from The Peak
A view from The Peak
A view from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
HK Skyline from The Peak
A view from my appartment in Taikoo
A view from my appartment in Taikoo
A view from my appartment in Taikoo
A view from my appartment in Taikoo