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Glenn Vermeersch | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Reizen tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Traveling is fun and photographing wild birds while traveling is even more fun. Especially since it creates oppurtunities to photograph birds that are rare in my own country or because quite a few species are more tame abroad. Finally, Belgium is horribly crowded and it is always a pleasure to be alone while photographing or at least to be able to think you are.
France 2013 'colours of the Jura mountains' (Under construction)
:: France 2013 'colours of the Jura mountains' (Under construction) ::
Hungary 2013
:: Hungary 2013 ::
Southeast Spain 2012
:: Southeast Spain 2012 ::
Latvia 2011
:: Latvia 2011 ::
La Brenne 2010
:: La Brenne 2010 ::
Sicily 2010
:: Sicily 2010 ::
Extremadura 2010
:: Extremadura 2010 ::