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Giorgio Gregori | profile | all galleries >> Recent shots. Birds. >> DECEMBER 2014 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Gazza con preda - Magpie with prey
Gazza con preda - Magpie with prey
Beccamoschino - Fan-tailed Warbler
Beccamoschino - Fan-tailed Warbler
Gheppio con preda - Kestrel with prey
Gheppio con preda - Kestrel with prey
Poiana con preda - Buzzard with prey
Poiana con preda - Buzzard with prey
Poiana con preda - Buzzard with prey
Poiana con preda - Buzzard with prey
Garzetta - Little Egret
Garzetta - Little Egret
Falco di Palude - Marsh Harrier
Falco di Palude - Marsh Harrier
Fumatore - Smoker
Fumatore - Smoker