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gingerfmorrison | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo's by "Lendy" taken at Anniversary Party. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Photo's by "Lendy" taken at Anniversary Party.

Each attendee had their picture taken either single, couple, or group. Photos were taken by "Lendy" a great photographer and Ginger cropped them. Special thanks to all our friends who came and who helped make this wonderful occassion a success. Photos are of family, high school friends, Madras and Central Oregon friends, friends we met while traveling in our RV, Camera Friends and neighbors and Yuma friends. We love all our friends and the party was fantastic. More to come later.
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Ray-and-Sherry.- CC-Yuma
Ray-and-Sherry.- CC-Yuma
Frank-and-Joanne.-  CC--Yuma
Frank-and-Joanne.- CC--Yuma
Fred-and-Bev.  CC-WA
Fred-and-Bev. CC-WA
Doris-and-Ken.- CC-OR
Doris-and-Ken.- CC-OR
Red and Irene--CC-Canada
Red and Irene--CC-Canada
Mary-and-Ron-Neighbor- AZ
Mary-and-Ron-Neighbor- AZ
Alyse-and-Matt.- Neighbor= Yuma
Alyse-and-Matt.- Neighbor= Yuma
Steve.- MiFija Owner
Steve.- MiFija Owner
Aaron-and-Isabelle- MiFija
Aaron-and-Isabelle- MiFija
Carolyn(Art Cemter Dir)-and-Pete.
Carolyn(Art Cemter Dir)-and-Pete.
Barbara-and-Bob.- Yuma Friends- OR
Barbara-and-Bob.- Yuma Friends- OR
Patti-and-Bruce- Yuma Friends
Patti-and-Bruce- Yuma Friends
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