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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Landscapes > Cariboo Country
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Cariboo Country

Canon EOS 6D
1/3200s f/5.0 at 40.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh30-Dec-2021 16:31
Excellent panoramic capture! V
Don19-Dec-2021 08:01
There's a sense there could be a deal of space just over that hill. The clouds add greatly to this landscape image.
Fong Lam19-Dec-2021 04:36
A beautiful serene scene with the soft light and lovely clouds....V
Walter Otto Koenig18-Dec-2021 21:10
Very nice composition. I like the tones, lighting and those clouds. "V"
globalgadabout18-Dec-2021 19:47
rangeland looking so peaceful beneath a mellow sky...the scene has a good feeling to it..
Jeff Real18-Dec-2021 14:51
I love this composition and the way it works!
Everything here takes on such importance and really makes the whole so compelling.
Helen Betts18-Dec-2021 13:19
Nicely composed panorama. All you needed was a caribou as a finishing touch! V.
Neil Marcus18-Dec-2021 12:35
A lovely panorama V
Tom LeRoy18-Dec-2021 08:56
This has such a fine painterly look to it, excellent framing and shot. V
joseantonio18-Dec-2021 08:12
nice view in this beautiful area.V.
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