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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro & Other Experiments > Flood reflections3.jpg
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Flood reflections3.jpg

Canon EOS 6D
1/40s f/10.0 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

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Ken Zaret16-Aug-2017 17:11
This image just won the 446th PBase Show and Tell Competition: Water reflection abstracts. This wonderful image doesn't look like a photo; I would have guessed it was an oil painting. It reminds me of abstract art from the 1950's and 1960's, and nicely illustrates a vision beyond the literal world. Nice job Gill!
Jeff Real17-Apr-2016 14:03
This is so beautiful...a treat for the eye ~V~
Guest 21-Feb-2016 01:14
A strong abstract. Well seen, Gill.
globalgadabout20-Feb-2016 17:25
these undulating shapes are enchanting...admire your sensibility here..V
Walter Otto Koenig20-Feb-2016 15:05
This makes for a wonderful abstract. Well seen and photographed. "V"
Marcia Rules20-Feb-2016 14:57
love this! It has instant appeal, Gill ~ VV
barbarajoy20-Feb-2016 12:16
Lovely abstract art in these wonderful reflections! V
Tom LeRoy20-Feb-2016 11:03
A dreamy and well composed abstract image. Nature at work and you have a stellar photo to enjoy! V
Yvonne20-Feb-2016 10:06
Reflections in water always enthrall me and I can stand there mesmerised .. wonderful image! v
Nirvan Hope20-Feb-2016 06:46
At first glance, striking dramatic contrasts. At second glance, so much more - pebbles, sky reflections complex patterns - a piece of art!
Helen Betts20-Feb-2016 06:30
What an intriguing abstract, Gill. I could see this hanging in a museum of contemporary art! V.
joseantonio20-Feb-2016 05:02
this makes for a nice abstract.V.
peterjay4520-Feb-2016 05:01
This is a beautiful abstract, Gill. Very well photographed.
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