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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tanzania - a Journey Home > Ngozi crater.jpg
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10-OCT-2014 Gill Kopy

Ngozi crater.jpg

Near Mbeya, Tanzania

This was quite the hike to this crater for two old ladies :)
Took an hour and a half with a bit of help from our guide in
a couple of the more challenging spots !!

Canon EOS 6D
1/2000s f/4.0 at 40.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Claude14-Dec-2014 02:41
I can see, it was worth the effort. Thanks for sharing your adventures.VVV
Don13-Dec-2014 21:13
Looks like it was well worth the effort.
Yiannis Pavlis13-Dec-2014 03:51
Wonderful view .
bill friedlander12-Dec-2014 18:23
Well worth the climb to get to to this extraordinary view. V
Walter Otto Koenig12-Dec-2014 17:39
Great view from the top with this lush vegetation. Nice documentary images as well. "V"
globalgadabout12-Dec-2014 14:03
good to stretch the legs in such pleasant surroundings..
Neil Marcus12-Dec-2014 13:55
Good for you Gill. Hiking can be a challenge but the view was the result of the effort.
Anitta12-Dec-2014 12:15
But the hike surely was worthed! Look at that great shot you've got! Wow! Beautiful. V
Helen Betts12-Dec-2014 05:29
Beautifully framed and a lovely scene. Kudos for making the hike; it was worth all the effort! V.
joseantonio12-Dec-2014 05:19
Must have been a nice adventure and this view was worth the effort.V.
peterjay4512-Dec-2014 04:46
Beautiful photo of the crater and kudos on making the effort to get there.
Guest 12-Dec-2014 02:15
Bravissima for the well worth effort. Love the images of adventurous climbing, and the view of the crater is magnificent - its color and its lush surroundings. VV
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