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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Leah and Friends > Pan's Best Friend
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Pan's Best Friend

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
1/20s f/7.1 at 55.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Neil Marcus22-Feb-2013 13:13
Very nice portrait Gill
bill friedlander14-Apr-2010 18:03
An adorable shot of the boy and his pet. Love the boys grin, and the cat doing what cats do, sleep. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)19-Mar-2010 23:21
Nice couple.Well done! V+
alfredo camba jr.12-Mar-2010 15:42
Very nice and cute photograph!! V
Guest 16-Dec-2009 20:40
Love it, excellent close portrait! V
Jean Chiasson16-Dec-2009 00:58
Very cute portrait Gill vote
an nguyen28-Nov-2009 00:08
So sweet image. Love both.
Peter Stubley27-Nov-2009 22:24
Very nice portrait -- very expressive.
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