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Gil Azouri | all galleries >> Home >> Galleries >> Archive >> Macro 2003-2007 >
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FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro ,Tamron SP AF DI 90mm f/2.8 Macro
1/90s f/5.6 at 89.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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MoNTaNA26-Jan-2011 07:34
Pawel15-Mar-2009 12:56
A realy interesting perspective :)
It looks like she is doing pull ups :)
Guest 29-May-2008 00:44
wow ! at first sight, I thought that was a fairy holding a magic stick ! impressive !!
Guest 12-Oct-2006 15:11
Gil - I must say that your works make most of us look kinda lame...
absolutely fantastic artist!!!
Sabine Stetson24-May-2006 06:12
totally stunning and wonderful image...insect seemingly swinging the
Guest 15-May-2006 09:26
Its.. CUTE!
Jeanne Newman20-Apr-2006 13:52
Wonderful! Dragonfly benchpressing competition!
Guest 19-Apr-2006 14:11
Love it. Looks like he's weilding a sledgehammer. Fantastic creative insect macro. 10x better than the usual. Voted
Guest 10-Apr-2006 05:12
superb!!! you catched his personality.
Yves Rubin04-Apr-2006 01:56
Wow! This is one of the most beautiful insect shots I have seen, the tone and subtlety of the scene is just outstanding!
Jola Dziubinska22-Mar-2006 11:45
Jose Paulo Andrade09-Mar-2006 18:05
Very good photo!!