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Gervan | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Nepal >> Kathmandu & Patan tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kathmandu & Patan | Bhaktapur (Lalitpur) | Kathmandu Valley | People of Nepal | Banepa Valley | Pun Hill Trek

Kathmandu & Patan

All images in this gallery are scanned slides and negatives made during my
trips to Nepal in 1987, 1996 and 2000 using a Canon A-1 Camera.

Click on thumbnails below to see them enlarged - Click op de foto's om ze in een groter formaat te bekijken

Swayambhunath IMG889.jpg Swayambhunath
IMG561.jpg Swayambhunath Swayambhunath
Swayambhunath IMG472.jpg IMG475.jpg
Blood sacrifice IMG514 copy.jpg Thamel
IMG656.jpg IMG476.jpg IMG477.jpg
IMG565.jpg Evening procession Sari trader
IMG515.jpg Kasthamandap Ganesh
Bhairav IMG569.jpg g3/98/696298/3/122265515.BPEVD40o.jpg
Kumari mahal Street performance g3/98/696298/3/122266864.QotofYaK.jpg
IMG524.jpg IMG584.jpg IMG870.jpg
Kathmandu Guesthouse IMG658.jpg IMG659.jpg
IMG664.jpg IMG884.jpg Patan, Garuda
Patan, Krishna Mandir Patan Patan
Patan, Krishn Mandir Patan, Durbar Square Patan
g3/98/696298/3/123160607.oYzwoyOZ.jpg 2015-02-18_3.JPG