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Gervan | all galleries >> Rotterdam >> Rotterdam City sights > Kubuswoningen
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slhoornstra18-Oct-2009 23:10
what fantastic architecture, so avant garde and still drawing from Dutch tradition. A great composition too. V
Pawel12-Feb-2009 22:07
Superb composition! V
Guest 15-Aug-2007 21:31
Mooi gedaan. Je kijkt hier je ogen uit!! Ik wil nog een keer terug om hier weer foto's te maken... Zoveel indrukken, standpunten, kleur en ........ :-)
January Grey28-Jun-2007 04:30
I agree, it does look like a puzzle! Very interesting and eye-appealing composition. V!
Guest 02-Dec-2006 15:40
Wow, very intriguing design--I haven't seen anything like it in my country! It's resembles a picture puzzle, and the deep blue of the sky really makes the whites and yellows stand out. You've done a good job framing it. V
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