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Gerry Gantt Nature & Scenic Photography | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Hello and welcome to my PBase Galleries.
I have been taking photos since I got my first SLR in 1967 and the photos here are just a sampling of my photographs of various subjects including Birds of Woods, Marsh and Shore, Butterflies, Lotus Portraits, Sea Shore, America's National Monuments, and Architecture from Singapore and Thailand.
A complete showcase of my photos can be found at my website, Gerry Gantt Photography.
Many photos shown in these galleries can be purchased at my Fine Art America store: Gerry Gantt Fine Art Photography.
Each photograph has a specific link to the page on which it may be purchased.

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Fall Leaves
Fall Leaves
Scenic America
Scenic America
Sea and Shore
Sea and Shore
The Marsh
The Marsh
Fall Leaf Color
Fall Leaf Color
Flowering Trees
Flowering Trees
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