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George Cumbee | all galleries >> Galleries >> 5-3-2011 Area Flooding > Metropolis, IL-Harrah's Casino and Hotel-Taken by Jerry Chumbler
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Metropolis, IL-Harrah's Casino and Hotel-Taken by Jerry Chumbler

Canon Powershot G11
1/320s f/4.0 at 6.8mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Judy Bohnert 12-May-2011 06:11
My mother and I stayed at the Baymount April 28 thru the 30th 2011. We were so careful to keep our cooler in the tub so it wouldn't drip on the carpet. The water was up on most of the parking lot when we were there. We had to enter thru the back of the hotel. When we left we had to drive through a little water in order to leave. I had no idea the water had came up so high since our visit. Thank-you for the pictures. You did a great job!!!!
Joe 05-May-2011 14:39
Isn't it interesting that the very best reporting of the flood is being done on the internet, not the TV companies?
Guest 05-May-2011 12:22
I went to Harrahs every since it open untill I moved to Jackson, Tn. I remember one other time the water was up, we walked out on a man made floated walkway to the casino It was awful then and it looks awful now. Harrah.s in Tunica is closed because of the Mississippi River. I go there now/ thanks for the pictures. kt Rogers Jackson, Tennessee
Guest 04-May-2011 11:55
Harrahs may not be open when I'm there.
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