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Gordon Keyes | profile | all galleries >> Idaho Journal.....2007 >> Around Idaho tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Around Idaho

This gallery includes scenery, flora, and other interesting things that I find when I'm away from the fire lookout.
Fireweed Gallery
:: Fireweed Gallery ::
Bear Grass
Bear Grass
E.F. of the S.F.
E.F. of the S.F.
Pagan  Idol
Pagan Idol
The Lookout
The Lookout
Seven Devils Lake
Seven Devils Lake
Lostine River
Lostine River
Lloyd's Lake
Lloyd's Lake
Jughandle Mountain
Jughandle Mountain
Jughandle Mountain 2
Jughandle Mountain 2
Pearly Everlasting
Pearly Everlasting
Tahoka Daisy
Tahoka Daisy
Pearl Lake
Pearl Lake
Pearl Lake 2
Pearl Lake 2
Explorer's Gentian
Explorer's Gentian
The Art of Wood Burning 1
The Art of Wood Burning 1
The Art of Wood Burning 2
The Art of Wood Burning 2
Free Range Dog
Free Range Dog
Free Range Dog,  Again
Free Range Dog, Again
Upper Hazard Lake, Bruin Mountain
Upper Hazard Lake, Bruin Mountain
More Upper Hazard Lake, Bruin Mountain
More Upper Hazard Lake, Bruin Mountain
Down the Hazard Lake Road
Down the Hazard Lake Road
Ace of Spades
Ace of Spades
Another Take On Lloyd's Lake
Another Take On Lloyd's Lake
This Loggerhead Log...
This Loggerhead Log...
Giant Red Paintbrush
Giant Red Paintbrush
Life Goes On
Life Goes On
Slab Butte
Slab Butte
Tall Tombstones
Tall Tombstones
Black Lake
Black Lake
Emerald Lake
Emerald Lake
A View of a Dog's View
A View of a Dog's View
Watch Your Step, Ben!
Watch Your Step, Ben!
Nameless Pond, Fall Color
Nameless Pond, Fall Color
Final Stage Fire Restrictions
Final Stage Fire Restrictions