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Gordon Keyes | profile | all galleries >> Idaho 2009 >> Random Idaho....2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Random Idaho....2009

This gallery will Not be in any sequence, most likely. I'm just going to add photos as they come around.

One more time...hit "original" under a photo, and all the rest will be full size. Thanks.
Nice place to Go
Nice place to "Go"
People and Music
People and Music
More of those Paintbrushes...
More of those Paintbrushes...
Cruizing down Lick Creek Canyon
Cruizing down Lick Creek Canyon
Leaving Lick Creek Canyon
Leaving Lick Creek Canyon
Slick Rock
Slick Rock
West-Central Idaho
West-Central Idaho
No Kidding.....
No Kidding.....
Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel
Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel
...I like this shot, too.
...I like this shot, too.
New Pika
New Pika
Another Look
Another Look
Early Morning Sunflower
Early Morning Sunflower
Yellow on Blue
Yellow on Blue
Sunset - August 15
Sunset - August 15
Zoomed In
Zoomed In
Sleepy Watchman
Sleepy Watchman
That's Better...
That's Better...
Clark's Nutcracker
Clark's Nutcracker
...with a pine seed (nut)
...with a pine seed (nut)
Another Rude Gesture...
Another Rude Gesture...