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Gerhard Bachmayer | all galleries >> AstroPhotos >> Astrophotos 2008-2024 > M81 and M82 in Ursa Major
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M81 and M82 in Ursa Major


Messier 81 is a spiral galaxy in approx. 12 million light-years distance. It is about half the size of our home galaxy. Holmberg IX, a young dwarf satellite galaxy, is to the left of M81.
M81's companion galaxy M82 to the top is the closest example of a star-burst galaxy. At least one close encounter with M81 triggered a tremendous increase of star birth in its inner region, resulting in many super novae, which pushed out a high amount of exited gas from the galaxy's center.
Above image also shows some galactic 'cirrus', interstellar dust within our galaxy, illuminated by the combined light of the Milky Way.

Telescope: ASA 10N-OK3 f3.6
Mount: ASA DDM 85
Camera: FLI ML8300
Filter-wheel: FLI CW 2-7
Filter: Astrodon LRGB
Exposure: L:48x300sec, RGB:20x300sec each channel
Programs: Maxim DL 5.0, CCDStack 2.9, PixInsight SE 1.8 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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