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Gerhard Bachmayer | all galleries >> AstroPhotos >> Astrophotos 2008-2024 > IC410/NGC1893 in Auriga
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IC410/NGC1893 in Auriga

The open star cluster NGC1893 is embedded in IC410, a vast cloud of hydrogen and oxygen gas, which glows and is shaped by the strong radiation from the hot members of the cluster.
The two tadpole shaped clouds are areas of still ongoing star formation.

Telescope: ASA 10N-OK3 f3.6
Mount: ASA DDM 85
Camera: FLI ML8300
Filter-wheel: FLI CW 5-7
Filter: FLI Ha,OIII,R,G,B
Exposure: Ha:24x600sec, OIII:22x600sec, R:4x300sec, G:4x300sec, B:4x300sec
Programs: Maxim DL 5.0, CCDStack 2.66, PixInsight SE 1.8, CCD Commander 1.6 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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