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gautamraja | profile | all galleries >> Friends >> Life at Ahmedabad >> The Tuccha Life >> E.R.I. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Explorations in Roles and Identities.

(I hope I got that right). Some facts I do know:
Five days at Zainabad in the Rann. Loads of fun!

Disclaimer: (Almost) none of the photos in this gallery have been taken by yours truly.
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Sunrise Adventure
Sunrise Adventure
Now, if I could pls have your undivided attention...
Now, if I could pls have your undivided attention...
Give me some time will ya.
Give me some time will ya.
And just a teeny weeny bit of space pls...
And just a teeny weeny bit of space pls...
Load them in Bob!
Load them in Bob!
Salt Landscape I
Salt Landscape I
Touching the rim
Touching the rim
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City
Wake-up call
Wake-up call
A little off tilt aren't we?
A little off tilt aren't we?
Fire on the Rann! Mountain mountain mountain!
Fire on the Rann! Mountain mountain mountain!
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Tropical Lights I
Tropical Lights I
Tropical Lights II
Tropical Lights II
Tropical Lights III
Tropical Lights III
Thought I'd never get here didn't ya!
Thought I'd never get here didn't ya!
Rann for your lives, you fools!!
Rann for your lives, you fools!!
Sunset Strip I
Sunset Strip I
Sunset Strip II
Sunset Strip II
Blue Night
Blue Night
Night Retreat
Night Retreat
Swing Low
Swing Low
What are y'all looking at!
What are y'all looking at!
Ride 'em High
Ride 'em High
Just a lil bit chilly
Just a lil bit chilly
Bring on them wild asses!
Bring on them wild asses!
Sunrise Bloom
Sunrise Bloom
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