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Georgia Roessler | profile | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Tootsie Pup tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Tootsie Pup

Tootsie is a Mini Schnauzer, born May 1, 2007.
She came into our lives on 26 June, at the age of 8 weeks.
She is a real sweetheart, and a barrel of fun!
(Newest images are at the beginning of the gallery.)
***For a slideshow of these images, click in the upper right corner.***


For a puppy video (10.11.07) of Tootsie and Bonnie, click HERE.

RIP Lucky Seven At Last! Sorry, Tootsie. Will the REAL Princess please stand up?!
My Favorite Model Cone of Shame Squirrel Alert Dry Again! Snuggler
Pretty Me Patriot Alert Bad Hair Day Gang of Three
Baloney!!! Ménage à Trois Revisited Snootful The Tootsinator Guard Duty
Come Get Me! Wootsie and Woodles Window on the World Leaf Party Footsie
Tootsie's Twin Almost Angelic All Eyes Rebound? Party Girl!
Sweet Dreams Good to the last bite! Ready for Mischief Hanging Out! Devil or Angel?
Tootsie Family Portrait Growing Up Littlest Angel