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Georgia Roessler | profile | all galleries >> New England >> Rhode Island tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Rhode Island

Literally in our back yard, and what a beautiful back yard to have!
Most people are not aware of just how picturesque Little Rhody is.

For a slideshow of these images, click at upper right.

Anglophile Razzle Dazzle Reason to Celebrate Don's War Horse
Cure-All Delekta Stella Marie La Vie en Rose A Jaundiced Eye
Americana Square Nirvana The Company Store Imagination
Weekapaug Inn Out to Lunch Renaissance A Place in This World Watch Hill Light
From Hunger Hellfire and Brimstone? Ye Olde General Store Beachcombing Class Act
Birds of a Feather Born Again Sakonnet Light Goosed! Sunny Jim
Clubhouse Red Hot Mama Sailor's Delight? Dreams for Sale Hopeless
Yesteryear An Audience with Jesse James Gifts Heal All Grandma's Lace Escape from Decadence
Hermit Tangled Abridged Gingerbread Humble Boathouse
Underdog A-shimmer Grande Dame Block  Island or Bust! Belle Epoque
Rum Runner Beware! Off Limits Point Judith Light Point Judith Light II
Shimmering Graphic Clam Chowder Blushing Overboard
Treading Water Balls! No Free Parking Blowin' in the Wind High Society
End of the Line Gone Fishing Don't Fence Me In I think I can... Bright Idea
Ouch! Benevolent Grace Flaunting My Age! Austere
Number Thirty-one Federal Ciao! Lighted Rive Gauche