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George McCarten | profile | all galleries >> Nothing But Thailand >> Tha Phae Gate tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tha Phae Gate

This gate is the main entrance to the eastern side of the old city of Chiang Mai. It is one of the principle tourist attractions of Chiang Mai, and has a particular allure to travelers who come down to Chiang Mai from China.
captured.jpg family commemorative photo.jpg planning the next shot.jpg
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hawkin feed.jpg stopping_by.jpg in the hand.jpg
in the crowd.jpg love on earth.jpg sealed.jpg
smart capture.jpg what about me.jpg wedding shoot.jpg
smart phone capture.jpg final_touches.jpg wary.jpg
laughable.jpg the gate.jpg not entirely comfortable.jpg
perched.jpg explosion.jpg good_day_to_you.jpg
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tepid offering.jpg before the open gate.jpg powder pink powder blue.jpg
big red.jpg compare.jpg barebacked.jpg
Wai.jpeg setting up.jpg tourist cool.jpg
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the right perspective.jpg like a rainbow.jpg of course.jpg
by the wall.jpg for my next song.jpg