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Gail Davison | all galleries >> Photo Galleries >> Travel >> Madeira 2009 > always coca cola ;o)
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always coca cola ;o)

Canon EOS 40D
1/160s f/5.6 at 105.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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JW03-May-2009 16:11
tastes the same the world over!
Rob Oele07-Apr-2009 12:04
Very well seen ;))
Hey Gail, I was on Madeira too! Take a look if you like:
Ann...17-Mar-2009 13:35
It should be planted deeper than that!!!
laine8216-Mar-2009 21:48
Bet it killed the plant !!!
Chris Sofopoulos16-Mar-2009 21:21
You find it everywhere :) LOL
Johnny JAG16-Mar-2009 21:17
It gets everywhere!
Antonis Sarantos16-Mar-2009 21:03
The usual suspect!
Zak16-Mar-2009 20:57
what a rubbish shot! ;-)
Nicki Thurgar16-Mar-2009 20:50
But preferably diet....! ;o)
beverley harrison16-Mar-2009 20:44
is it the real thing?
Phillip Normanton16-Mar-2009 20:38
Did it take root? :o)