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Fletcher Wildlife Garden | all galleries >> Previous FWG blogs >> 2010 Blogs >> FWG Blog: September 2010 > Mycena mushroom sp.
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26-SEP-2010 Christine Hanrahan

Mycena mushroom sp.

When it rains the mushrooms appear, including these ever so tiny Mycena species that grow on trees by the hundreds but are barely visible to the naked eye unless you look closely for them. They are exquisite but difficult to photograph well (sorry).

Canon PowerShot SX20 IS
1/25s f/5.0 at 5.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 30-Sep-2010 19:27
Like little fairy umbrellas.
slhoornstra29-Sep-2010 22:49
An amazing shot, they look like jellyfish floating up in the sea!! Beautiful indeed!! BV
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