Red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
Barry said about this red squirrel with its heavy load: The squirrel was "coping with a too-large walnut. I watched the squirrel hurry along across the main butterfly meadow path until it disappeared behind the water tank – somehow it still had that walnut!"
Lemon drops (Bisporella)
These beautiful little sac fungi do look almost edible!
Cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum)
A few cup plants still in flower and a few happy bumble bees taking advantage of their nectar.
On the raft
The turtle raft was a magnet for the ducks in the pond, and as I stood watching, I saw them all, one by one, swim toward it, haul themselves up on to it, and start preening. There are wood ducks, black ducks and mallards here.
Red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
This little red squirrel ran along the manitoba maple branch and then suddenly stopped and hunkered down in this position where he stayed for some time.
Wood duck
Standing on one leg prior to spreading the wing and then the leg.
Wood ducks
After swimming around the pond for awhile, feeding, they made their way to the old turtle raft, already occupied by a pair of mallards, and began preening intently.
Wood duck
In the late afternoon light on the pond.