American goldfinch bathing
A series of shots showing this goldfinch bathing in the long shallow water feature in the Butterfly Meadow. At times there were 5 or more goldfinches and several song sparrows having a bath or just drinking.
Mallard, female
A fine water spray as this female swims away after a good shake!
Lots of mallards and a few black ducks on the pond, with great splashing, chasing and submerging beneath the water, before heading to the raft to preen.
Autumn meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
The warm wood of the bridge over the pond was attracting many meadowhawks to perch and soak up the warmth.
Autumn meadowhawks (Sympetrum vicinum)
There were numerous meadowhawks around, including several mating pairs. If the weather stays mild, these dragonflies may be seen into November.
Fletcher Wildlife Garden
Looking north toward the ravine and Backyard Garden, from the service road that winds through the site.
Polypore (Ischnoderma)
This dead tree sports big clusters of these polypores each autumn.
Hover fly (Toxomerus geminatus)
These tiny flies are present for most of the summer, but sometimes get overshadowed by the larger insects. Now that things have quieted down in the insect world, they are more noticeable.
Grasshoppers become more numerous as summer moves on into autumn. This may be one of the spur-throated grasshoppers.
Bumble bee on sow-thistle
Fortunately, there are still some flowers in bloom for all the bees and other insects that have been numerous in this warm autumn weather.
Goldenrod gall
A 'ball gall', on a goldenrod stem, created by the goldenrod gall fly, a large member of the fruit fly family. For all the galls that we see on goldenrods, we rarely see the flies.