grey squirrel, black phase
It is nice to see that the squirrel roosting boxes are being used. Not that we ever thought they would sit idle. Squirrels are adept at utilizing anything they think presents a good home.
The little puffball on the left is dwarfed by the larger mushroom whose ID I don't know.
Quite possibly these puffballs photographed by Barry, are Lycoperdon species. At any rate, you can see that they have released their spores through the opening on top.
Lemon drops (Bisporella)
A great collection of tiny sac fungi known, not surprisingly, as lemon drops. There are various species within the genus, but this one may be B. citrina as it is apparently the most common one.
Red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
I often see red squirrels sitting like this. Not sure why, or maybe there is no particular reason. One of my cats often sits with her head against something too!
Mourning dove
A single mourning dove hanging around the feeder in the Backyard Garden component of the FWG. I definitely don't see as many doves as I used to, even a few years ago, especially at the garden where we'd often have 30-40 in winter time.
European starling
One of hundreds of starlings that were around the garden for a few hours before dispersing. They are now in their handsome winter plumage.
Tinder polypore (Fomes fomentarius)
Growing on a dead birch. The other polypores are Purple-toothed polypore (Trichaptum biforme).
The old turtle raft in the amphibian pond is much used by ducks. They haul themselves out of the water and preen vigorously, after which they sit and rest for awhile. Later on this morning, I counted 11 mallards swimming around the pond.
Downy woodpecker, female
A very common woodpecker and usually fairly cooperative about having its photo taken. Elsewhere at the Fletcher garden there was a pileated woodpecker but I was unable to get a photo of it.
Downy woodpecker, male
In the old field I noticed this male downy woodpecker scouring the goldenrods and asters for insect eggs and investigating the goldenrod galls.
Cedar waxwing with crabapple
A small flock of waxwings actively searching for food around the garden, landing here and there for brief periods before flying off to another food source.