Long dash skipper (Polites mystic)
I went back to the FWG in the late afternoon and found this little long dash skipper. Overall, it was a very good day for butterflies at FWG.
Hobomok Skipper 4
Long Dash Skipper 1
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail 8
Clouded Sulphur 1
Cabbage White 2
Red Admiral 10
Spring Azure 1
Silvery Blue 4
White Admiral 1
Mourning Cloak 1
Common Ringlet 10
Little Wood Satyr 4
Wool carder bee (Anthidium manicatum)
This large, pretty bee is nectaring at Penstemon hirsutus
Bumblebee and lupine
This bumblebee is heavily laden with pollen!
Butterfly meadow
The meadow is alive with lupines and comfrey right now and is attracting many insects.
Green frog (Rana clamitans)
This handsome frog was sitting near the shore in the Amphibian Pond (where else would a frog sit?). It is green frog breeding season and they are calling frequently. At night, the pond resounds with the calls of these guys and the gray treefrogs.
Common whitetail (Plathemis lydia), female
We are seeing lots of dragonflies at the FWG now. There was a pair of mating common green darners, four-spotted skimmers, American emeralds, and several of this species. Also, many bluets (damselflies).
Mayfly (Ephemeroptera)
There were several of these floating in the pond. It doesn't really look like the shed skin of the adult ephemeroptera (which is usually, as far as I know, a pale colour and transparent). However... I didn't actually pick this up to look closely. It is quite beautiful though.
Virginian tiger moth (Spilosoma virginica)
Under a DSV leaf. These are the adults of the Yellow bear caterpillars, the ones that look like the familiar Woolly bears, but without a black mid-stripe. The caterpillars are also varied in colour, most often a golden yellow (hence the name), but can also be white and several shades of brown.
Gathering pollen
This bee (Andrenid sp. I think) was inside a small white rose so intent on gathering the pollen that no attempt was made to fly when I stuck my camera almost on the rose. I watched as the bee rolled and swept the pollen in an almost frantic act of gathering. Afterward, so laden with pollen was it that a landing was made on a nearby leaf (next photo).
After the pollen collecting
Look at the heavy pollen load!!
Rose bush
The roses are in full bloom right now. A fantastic sight. The bees also think so and are abundant.
Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata)
This beauty was by the pond. I think they are one of the most handsome of odonates! There were also a couple of common green darners, a couple of American emeralds, and, new for the FWG list, a common baskettail. This year, I have seen odonates I've not seen before at the FWG. We've added three new species so far this spring.