Snapping turtle
There were two snappers in the pond today. This is the smaller of the two, and like the larger one, was floating just on the surface of the water. When its head was submerged, it looked like a bit of green plastic waste! With the two snappers seen today, we have a grand total of 6 turtles in our small pond, assuming that all are still there.
14-spotted lady beetle (Propylaea quatuordecimpunctata)
An abundance of insects today, especially on the fruit trees. There were many of these tiny little lady beetles on a wild plum tree.
Red admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
There appears to be a mass movement of this gorgeous migratory species through our area over the last few days. At the FWG today I saw at least 15, and there were probably more than that. They are being seen all over the city, floating down busy streets, in gardens and backyards, everywhere!
This butterfly was NOT taken at FWG, I'm sorry to say. None of the ones today would stay still. I took this one yesterday at the Burnt Lands near Almonte, but put it in to show you what to look for.
Cabbage white(Pieris rapae)
In addition to the red admirals, there were many cabbage whites around today as well as a few spring azures. You can see that this one is busy probing the wet soil with its proboscis.