European Hornets (Vespa crabro)
Gord found these non-native hornets in our Butterfly Meadow, and there is a hornet nest in an apple tree nearby. We usually find at least one large Bald-faced Hornet nest at the FWG every year, but this species is new to our list. (SG)
This European species has been in North America since at least the mid-1800s, so hardly a recent arrival. It has been found in this region increasingly in recent times and so no surprise it has turned up at the garden. These are the only true hornets we have. The so-called bald-faced hornets are not true hornets. This species, V. crabro, is not aggressive unless it feels its nest is being threatened. They typically make their nests in cavities and while they are made of 'paper' as is the nest of the bald-faced hornet, they don't often suspend them from trees or other tall objects as some other Vespids do. (CH)
Eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus)
Numbers of these little guys around the garden at present, and busy as can be running all over the place, gathering food, heading into their many burrows... not showing a lot of fear of humans either, which is not so good!
Prairie smoke (Geum triflorum)
The pretty seedhead of the lovely prairie smoke plant, a native species present in southern Ontario but doing well here in the Backyard Garden and in the Butterfly Meadow.
Red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
What would a monthly blog be without photos of the feisty, cute little red squirrel?? This one posed nicely on a large rock.
Tricolored bumblebee (Bombus ternarius)
Feeding on the flowers of comfrey.
Northern cardinal, female, and house finch, male
Sharing a feeder in the Backyard Garden section of the Fletcher Wildlife Garden.
Paper wasp (Polistes fuscatus)
The native figwort plants (Scrophularia nodosa)had attracted a number of insects today, including this native paper wasp.
Gall midge (Asphondylia)
Not often I get a chance to photograph one of the Cecidomyiid midges that create galls in plants. This one is actually quite large. This might be Asphondylia monacha? These particular midges in the Genus Asphondylia form galls in flower buds and are responsible for the rosette galls we see in goldenrods.
Two male finches
Top is a male house finch and bottom, a male purple finch. Earlier, in another part of the garden, we saw the females, one on either side of the feeder making for a good comparison of the sometimes confusing females (only I didn't get a photo, sadly).
Painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
Nectaring on dame's rocket, this is one of about 5 painted lady butterflies seen today at the garden. This is a relatively good year for the species with many being seen in other locations around the city. I found 20 in a couple of hours south of the city.
Painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
Along with painted lady butterflies, also found were:
white admiral
giant swallowtail
cabbage white
european skipper
hobomok skipper
monarch butterfly
common ringlet
White admiral (Limenitis arthemis)
Another of the butterflies found at the garden today, with a total of two white admirals found.