31 July 2017
Black Swallowtail
I haven't seen many swallowtails this year, so it was a delight to see this colourful, fresh-looking Black Swallowtail in our Butterfly Meadow today. (SG)
Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
ALways a happy sight to see these butterflies, this one the tattered male of a previous shot on this blog, nectaring on joe-pye-weed by the pond.
Plume moth (Pterophoridae )
There are various species of plume moths, all of them white in colour, so not sure which one this is. But always fascinating to see these very un-moth-like creatures.
Gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor)
Diane found several of these small bright green treefrogs by the pond. They bred in there a few months ago, and the tadpoles have now transformed and the frogs will be leaving the water for upland areas.
Probably a green frog tadpole, photographed by Diane in the pond.
Water strider (Gerridae_
Diane said she was happy to report there was a good variety of aquatic life in the pond, despite the rather large upheaval of last autumn when it was rehabilitated.
Backswimmer (Notonecta)
Another aquatic lifeform which Diane found in the pond - a healthy sign after the work of last year.
Aphids on Flowering Rush
Wouldn't it be good if the aphids Diane found on the flowering rush were able to control it somehow. Interestingly, in Europe, where this plant is originally from, it was until recently, listed as very rare. It is still so, but populations are slowly growing in places like Holland and Belgium.
Aphids on flowering rush
Diane found a number of aphids on flowering rush. Wonder if they might have some impact on the plant? Perhaps help to control what is a very invasive species.
Spotted Lady beetle (Coleomagilla maculata)
Diane photographed this beautiful little native lady beetle while working in the pond.
Signal fly (Rivellia)
An excellent shot of this common but not always easy to photograph,fly, by Diane.
Working around the pond
A group of volunteers did some weeding among the newly planted wildflowers, helped fix the pathway washed out by heavy rain, and removed some flowering rush from the pond.