Weasel, probably long-tailed
Another shot of this cute guy.
American toads (Bufo americanus)
Late afternoon yesterday I went down to the pond for a short while. As soon as I drew near I could hear a lot of toads calling. I saw several pairs mating but no photo. However, today, Jeewanthi saw five mating pairs and managed to get a couple of very nice shots of one of the pairs.
American toads (Bufo americanus)
Another photo of the toads. They, like just about everything else, are early this spring. Typically we don't hear them until the first week in May or even later, but here they are... Once mating is over, they'll head back to their upland habitat. As these guys mate, the female releases long strings of eggs.
The fence expands
As you can see, the fence has grown. The other day, AAFC came and extended the fence into the pond and down the ravine, in an attempt to prevent people from going where they are not supposed to. Will it work? Stay tuned!
Song sparrow
Jeewanthi caught this sparrow in full song. She also saw white-throated sparrows at FWG, as well as rough-winged swallows, amongst other species.
White trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)
Ontario's floral symbol, this beauty is growing in the Ash woods.
Rough-winged swallow
These lovely little swallows breed along the canal, but can often be found feeding over the FWG
Cottontail rabbit
Jeewanthi came across this rabbit, one of several at FWG, and he is clearly looking at her too!
Spring azure (Celastrina ladon)
These gorgeous little blue butterflies are around the garden, and around the Ottawa area, in increasing numbers. The warm spring has meant that a lot of butterflies have emerged earlier than usual, sometimes several weeks early. When the male of this species opens his wings the jolt of blue is electrifying!
This little guy was in the BYG and had obviously been rooting around in the soil. He popped up when he heard me and watched for a few seconds, before carrying on with his nosing around.
Nomada bee on bloodroot
The bloodroot flowers were also attracting bees.
Hermit thrush
Jeewanthi photographed this hermit thrush today. There were many flickers, goldfinches, house finches, robins, tree swallows, cardinals, red-winged blackbirds, grackles, crows, starlings, chickadees, song sparrows, etc. at the garden.