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Fredy Schoch | profile | all galleries >> Vacations, Travels and Various Events >> Oman, April 2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Oman, April 2011

Oman, oh man!
One very nice place to visit. People, landscape, food, diving, all just great.
Hotels are a bit expensive, like in Switzerland. For the rest it's normal and easy.
Highways are just a piece of pleasure, like in California minus the police.
But if you want fun you need an off-road car.
The Al Bustan, the one and best of the 5 5 stars hotels in Muscate. Splendid, worth a visit.
Rooms are from USD 500 a night (down to 70 off season.. but then it's hot like hell).

The Al Bustan, the one and best of the 5 5 stars hotels in Muscate. Splendid, worth a visit.
Rooms are from USD 500 a night (down to 70 off season.. but then it's hot like hell).

_FS18056.JPG Next to the Al Bustan small cottages and an excellent diving center.

Next to the Al Bustan small cottages and an excellent diving center.

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In front of the diving center another 5 star hotel: the Shangri La.

In front of the diving center another 5 star hotel: the Shangri La.

_FS18145.JPG _FS18146.JPG Going for a dive of a snrokel, both excellent opportunities.

Going for a dive of a snrokel, both excellent opportunities.

The fish and vegetables market.

The fish and vegetables market.

_FS18235.JPG _FS18239.JPG The old Muscate souk.

The old Muscate souk.

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_FS18309.JPG _FS18315.JPG _FS18320.JPG LOutside of the souk the coast to Al Bustan.

LOutside of the souk the coast to Al Bustan.

A place where we dropped the snorkeler whil we went further for diving.

A place where we dropped the snorkeler whil we went further for diving.

_FS18433.JPG _FS18446.JPG _FS18466.JPG The Mosque of Muscate. The only large building not to miss (outside of the Al Bustan). Closes at 11 AM.

The Mosque of Muscate. The only large building not to miss (outside of the Al Bustan). Closes at 11 AM.

_FS18493.JPG The large lights of the main room.

The large lights of the main room.

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_FS18519.JPG _FS18521.JPG _FS18547.JPG _FS18551.JPG _FS18553.JPG
_FS18562.JPG _FS18563.JPG _FS18565.JPG _FS18571.JPG _FS18573.JPG
_FS18579.JPG _FS18581.JPG Ablution area, this one for women.

Ablution area, this one for women.

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On our way to Sur, south of Muscate, splendid coastline.

On our way to Sur, south of Muscate, splendid coastline.

and a basin that we could enter down some 100 stairs.

and a basin that we could enter down some 100 stairs.

_FS18666.JPG _FS18689.JPG Not the desert, but almost, just between the road and the sea.

Not the desert, but almost, just between the road and the sea.

Easy parking is to be found nearly everywhere.

Easy parking is to be found nearly everywhere.

just below the highway one of those fjords that you can visit by boat.

just below the highway one of those fjords that you can visit by boat.

_FS18747.JPG Guarding Sur, one of the many towers.

Guarding Sur, one of the many towers.

_FS18770.JPG And plenty of new houses that indicate the level of living of the Omani.

And plenty of new houses that indicate the level of living of the Omani.

_FS18799.JPG Going toward some Wadi (like an Oued) that look completely dry. And we'll see later on that they can be flooded in a matter of minutes.

Going toward some Wadi (like an Oued) that look completely dry. And we'll see later on that they can be flooded in a matter of minutes.

On the way to the Wadi Bani Khalid. 20 km drive in mountain roads, a few meters walking and a nice place to rest, hike and swim.

On the way to the Wadi Bani Khalid. 20 km drive in mountain roads, a few meters walking and a nice place to rest, hike and swim.

Some aqueduct out of the Wadi Bani Khalid to show us the way upward.

Some aqueduct out of the Wadi Bani Khalid to show us the way upward.

The Wadi Bani Khalid, where we swam and ate.

The Wadi Bani Khalid, where we swam and ate.

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_FS18958.JPG On the way back to Muscate stop in Nizwa.

On the way back to Muscate stop in Nizwa.

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_FS18996.JPG The Nizwa fort, recently resotred (1985-1995).

The Nizwa fort, recently resotred (1985-1995).

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_FS19051.JPG Wanting to visit some caves we were stopped by a sudden rain. The caves were closed because of the flood. It it was almost too late for us to return to Muscate as many of the roads we not possible to cross with a normal car.

Wanting to visit some caves we were stopped by a sudden rain. The caves were closed because of the flood. It it was almost too late for us to return to Muscate as many of the roads we not possible to cross with a normal car.

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_FS19162.JPG By the Bhala fort, under restauration.

By the Bhala fort, under restauration.

The Jabreen fort (1670, renovated 1976-83), just closed when we arrived (16:00).

The Jabreen fort (1670, renovated 1976-83), just closed when we arrived (16:00).