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fredrcox | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> northwest_louisiana_bayous__lakes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Photos in the "Bayous and Lakes" gallery were taken with a Mamiya 645E and 105-210 ULD zoom (as well as several wider primes) using Provia 100F and E100VS. Digital scans and Fuji super gloss prints were obtained from Denver Digital Imaging.
Louisiana Look
Louisiana Look
Smithport Lake
Smithport Lake
Caddo Lake
Caddo Lake
Cypress Bayou
Cypress Bayou
Pirogue Fisherman
Pirogue Fisherman
Clear Lake 3
Clear Lake 3
Smithport 2
Smithport 2
Bayou Pierre Lake
Bayou Pierre Lake
Lake Bistineau
Lake Bistineau
Caddo Byway
Caddo Byway
Bodcau Bayou
Bodcau Bayou
Primordial State
Primordial State
Clear Lake Moss
Clear Lake Moss
Bur Marigold
Bur Marigold
Lost In Fog
Lost In Fog
Clear Lake 6
Clear Lake 6
Bodcau  Bayou 2
Bodcau Bayou 2
Bodcau Pirogue
Bodcau Pirogue
Smithport 4
Smithport 4
Caddo Mill Pond
Caddo Mill Pond
Bistineau Look
Bistineau Look
Bayou Trek
Bayou Trek
Morning Mist
Morning Mist
Caddo Sunrise II
Caddo Sunrise II
Kisatchie Bayou
Kisatchie Bayou
Caddo Sunrise I
Caddo Sunrise I
Caddo Twilight
Caddo Twilight
Canoeing Partner
Canoeing Partner
Caddo Fog
Caddo Fog
Black Bayou Lake
Black Bayou Lake
Old Bayou Channel
Old Bayou Channel
Old Bayou Channel II
Old Bayou Channel II
Good Fishin'
Good Fishin'
Clinton Lake
Clinton Lake
Loggy Bayou WMA
Loggy Bayou WMA
Bistineau Sunrise
Bistineau Sunrise